

公開日:2021年02月15日 カテゴリー:お知らせ
We are delighted to announce that Educational Vision Research Institute at Hiroshima University will hold PELSTE 2021 in March 2021!
In January 2020, Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) Hiroshima University celebrated the accession by holding “PELSTE 2020” the series of programs on Peace Education, Lesson Study, and Teacher Educator (see PELSTE 2020 (only in JP)). PELSTE 2020 was aimed at developing a strong research collaboration among INEI member Institutes. PELSTE 2021 offers participants and audiences the opportunity to learn and discuss the frontline Peace Education and Lesson Study. Online Symposia for Peace Education and Lesson Study are going to be held on March 20th and 21st. We will also offer everyone several learning materials to deepen insights (it will be announced in Februrary.)
Please Click the banner below to access to the detail for participating and auditing PELSTE program.
There are so many seminars that you will be able to learn more about peace education and lesson study. Please take a look at our efforts on seminars through the link
「教師教育者のための平和教育と授業研究」と題されたプログラム「Peace Education and Lesson Study for Teacher Educators」の2021年度を開催する運びとなりました。上記バナー(英語版)をクリックいただくか、こちらから日本語版で詳細をご覧いただけます。

