広島大学教育ヴィジョン研究センター 教師教育・授業研究ユニット・教授
小山正孝 Masataka Koyama
Brief Bio:
Masataka Koyama has been Professor of Mathematics Education since 2007 and the Dean of Graduate School of Education and School of Education since 2016 at Hiroshima University, Japan. He received his B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. in Education from Hiroshima University. His major scholarly interests are mathematical understanding, international comparative study on students’ mathematical attainments, mathematics teachers’ professional development, and school mathematics curricula and textbooks. He has been actively involved in both the international activities such as ICME, EARCOME, and PME for improving mathematics education and the national activities for society of mathematics education and teachers’ professional development through lesson study of mathematics in primary and secondary schools.
Brief Bio:
Masataka Koyama has been Professor of Mathematics Education since 2007 and the Dean of Graduate School of Education and School of Education since 2016 at Hiroshima University, Japan. He received his B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. in Education from Hiroshima University. His major scholarly interests are mathematical understanding, international comparative study on students’ mathematical attainments, mathematics teachers’ professional development, and school mathematics curricula and textbooks. He has been actively involved in both the international activities such as ICME, EARCOME, and PME for improving mathematics education and the national activities for society of mathematics education and teachers’ professional development through lesson study of mathematics in primary and secondary schools.
研究業績Research Results
・小山正孝編著(2014)『中等数学教育』(教師教育講座 第14巻),協同出版(株),pp.1-343.
・Koyama, M. (2010). Mathematics curriculum in Japan. In F. K. S. Leung and Y. Li (Eds.), Reforms and issues in school mathematics in East Asia: Sharing and understanding mathematics education policies and practices, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp.59-78.
・Koyama, M. (2013). Insights from students’ process of understanding mathematics for nurturing reflective learners. In Kaur, B. (Ed.), Nurturing reflective learners in mathematics. Singapore: World Scientific, pp.269-288.
・Wong, K. Y., Koyama, M. and Lee, K-H. (2013). Mathematics curriculum policies: A framework with case studies from Japan, Korea, and Singapore. In Y. Li and G. Lappan (Eds.), Mathematics curriculum in school education, The Netherlands: Springer, pp.79-91.
★Koyama, M. and Lew, H-C. (2017). Pre-service teacher training for secondary school mathematics in Japan and Korea. In Son, Ji-Won, Watanabe, Tad, and Lo, Jane-Jane (Eds.), What matters? Research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics, pp.145-164, The Netherlands: Springer.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Issues of mathematics curriculum in Japan: Changing curriculum policies and developing curriculum frameworks for mathematics. In Catherine P. Vistro-Yu & Tin Lam Toh (Eds.), School mathematics curricula: Asian perspectives and glimpses of reform, pp. 171-187. Singapore: Springer Nature Publishing.
・小山正孝(2021)「数学教育再構成運動」日本数学教育学会編『公益社団法人日本数学教育学会百年史』東洋館出版社. pp. 44-52.
・小山正孝(2021)「第7章 研究としての授業研究の論文化:何のために,何を大切に,どのように?」日本数学教育学会(編)『算数・数学授業研究ハンドブック』東洋館出版社.pp. 246-255.
・Koyama, Masataka. (2021) Problem-solving approach and lesson study for improving performance in mathematics. In David Burghes & Jodie Hunter (eds.) Mathematics education for sustainable economic growth and job creation, Routledge, pp. 37-50.
・影山和也・小山正孝・早田透・石橋一昴.(2021)「第7章 これからの学校教育に求められる数理的思考」草原和博・吉田成章(編著).『「コロナ」から学校教育をリデザインする:公教育としての学校を捉える視点』渓水社. pp. 94-106.
・Okazaki, M. and Koyama, M. (2005). Characteristics of 5th graders’ logical development through learning division with decimals, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 60, 217-251.
・Koyama, M. (2008). Japanese doctoral programs in mathematics education: Academic or professional. In R. Reys and J. A. Dossey (Eds.), U.S. Doctorates in mathematics education: Developing stewards of the discipline. CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education, USA: American Mathematical Society, 15, 195-201.
・Thompson, D. R., Kaur, B., Koyama, M. and Bleiler, S. K. (2013). A longitudinal view of mathematics achievement of primary students: case studies from Japan, Singapore, and the United States, ZDM Mathematics Education, 45(1), 73-89.
★Koyama, M. (2015a). Seeking high quality collaboration and reflection: A lesson study on primary school mathematics, Proceedings of the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, 105-116.
・Koyama, M. (2015b). Current trends and issues on mathematics curriculum revision in Japan, Proceedings of the 2015 Joint Conference of Korean Mathematics Education Societies, 2, 79-102.
★Koyama, M. (2016). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics, Proceedings of the PME 40 Conference, 1, 35-50.
・Kazuya Kageyama & Masataka Koyama. (2018). Individual and collective aspects of students’ mathematical noticing. In Hsieh, F.-J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICME-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, 485-492. Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME. 2018.
・久冨洋一郎・小山正孝(2018)高等学校数学科における単元末にパフォーマンス評価を取り入れた学習指導の実践的研究―生徒と教員によるルーブリックを用いたレポートの質的評価の分析を通して―,全国数学教育学会誌 数学教育学研究,第24巻,第2号,pp.37-49.
・Kazuya Kageyama & Masataka Koyama. (2018). Individual and collective aspects of students’ mathematical noticing. In Hsieh, F.-J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICME-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, pp.485-492. Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME. 2018.
・Go Nakamura and Masataka Koyama. (2018).A cross-tools Pirie-Kieren model for visualizing the process of mathematical understanding. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), (2018). Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.2, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, pp.154-165.
・Ippo Ishibashi, Masataka Koyama and Kazuya Kageyama. (2018).Factors affecting difficulty of conditional probability in the Japanese probability curriculum. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center pp.469-477.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Framework of a dynamic cycle for promoting the professional development of mathematics teachers and educators in the lesson study of school mathematics. Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol.12, pp.33-48.
・Yoshifumi Inoue, Hideaki Kida, Sachie Akieda, Yuki Inoue, Toru Sunahara, Kazuhiro Tominaga, Mitsugu Hashimoto, Masaaki Fujikawa, Masayasu Moriwaki, Akiyoshi Kai, Mami Noda, Masataka Koyama, Tetsu Shimomura, Kazuya Kageyama (2020). Improving mathematics lesson and evaluation through setting inquiry problem-solving activities, The Annals of Educational Research, Vol.47, pp.1-11.
・小山正孝(2021)「社会情動的スキルの育成を重視した割合の学習指導―第五学年「割合」の授業実践の検討―」『学校教育』1244号, pp. 33-43.
・小山正孝(2020)算数科における図形概念の形成とプログラミング的思考の育成―第二学年「三角形と四角形」の授業実践の検討, 学校教育, 1234号, pp. 38-43.
・Koyama, M., (2015). Current trends and issues on mathematics curriculum revision in Japan. Invited Lecture at the 2015 Joint Conference of Korean Mathematics Education Societies. Korea: Konkuk University, Seoul, May 1-2, 2015.
・Koyama, M., (2015). Seeking high quality collaboration and reflection: A Lesson Study on primary school mathematics. Invited Lecture at the 7th ICMI-EARCOME Conference. Philippine: Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, May 11-15, 2015.
・Koyama, M., (2016). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics. Plenary Lecture at the PME 40 Conference. Hungary: Szeged, August 3-7, 2016.
・Koyama, M., (2016). Two-axis process model for teaching and learning of school mathematics. Invited Lecture at the ICME-13 Conference. Germany: Hamburg, July 24-31, 2016.
・小山正孝(2017)教育と研究における学際性の促進:EVRIを事例として, 小山正孝, 第2回研究大学における教育学部長国際フォーラム,招待,英語,北京大学教育学院,中国北京市,2017年10月21日.
・Koyama, M., (2018). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics, International Mathematics Education Colloquium – Asian Chapter,招待,英語,韓国教員大学,韓国,2018年2月6日.
・Masataka Koyama. (2018). Characteristics of organization of the courses of study and guidebooks for mathematics in Japan. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, pp.83-95, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.(招待講演)
・Ippo Ishibashi, Masataka Koyama and Kazuya Kageyama. (2018).Factors affecting difficulty of conditional probability in the Japanese probability curriculum. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, pp.469-477, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.
・Go Nakamura and Masataka Koyama. (2018).A cross-tools Pirie-Kieren model for visualizing the process of mathematical understanding. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.2, pp.154-165, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Problem solving approach and lesson study for professional development of mathematics teachers and educators in Japan. The Mico International Mathematics Teaching Summit 2019, Jamaica: Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, March 25-27, 2019.(招待講演)
・Masataka Koyama. (2018). Chair of TSG 40 (Research and Development on Mathematics Curriculum) of ICME 14, Shanghai,(2020年7月に上海で開催予定の世界最大規模の第14回数学教育国際会議(ICME 14)の国際プログラム委員会(IPC)による選考の結果)ICMI Japan Representative (数学教育国際委員会(ICMI)日本代表),July 12-19, 2020.
・張歆祺,小山正孝. Comparative study on statistical contents in Chinese and Japanese mathematics textbooks. ICME-14, ICMI, Shanghai, China, July 26, 2021. Online.
・中村剛,小山正孝. Visualizing the collective mathematical understanding process in a small group. PME-44, IGPME, Khonkaen, Thailand, July 20, 2021. Online.
・張歆祺,小山正孝. Multi-area teaching for promoting mathematical competence in school mathematics. PME-44, IGPME, Khonkaen, Thailand, July 22, 2021. Online.
・中林玲奈,植田悦司,結城和夏,小山正孝,影山和也, 算数科におけるメタ認知的思考態度の育成―社会的相互作用を重視した授業づくりを通して―, 日本数学教育学会第54回秋期研究発表会, 広島大学, , 2021年10月30日, オンライン.
・Ugwoke Malachy Chizoba,小山正孝(2021) The Effects of Student's Perception on Teaching and Learning Mathematic. 全国数学教育学会第55回研究発表会, 鳴門教育大学, 2021年12月11日, オンライン.
・Chomunorwira Tafara, 小山正孝.(2021) Project-based learning in the context of mathematics teaching and learning. 全国数学教育学会第55回研究発表会, 鳴門教育大学, 2021年12月11日, オンライン.
・小山正孝(2018)巻頭言.広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要,第一部, 学習開発関連領域,67号.
・OKAMURA・ Miyuki; KIMURA・ Hirokazu; TANAHASHI・ Kenji; KUSAHARA・ Kazuhiro; YOSHIDA・ Nariakira; MARUYAMA・ Yasushi; KOYAMA・ Masataka; SUZUKI・ Yumiko; KINOSHITA・ Hiroyoshi; KUWAYAMA・ Hisashi; YAMASAKI・ Takahito; KAGEYAMA・ Kazuya; IWATA・ Shotaro; SAITO・ Kazuhiko; TAKESHITA・ Shunji; Crimson Ineractive Pvt. Ltd.(2020)Lesson Study Manual for Teacher Educators: International Edition.EVRI研究プロジェクト叢書・3・2020年6月(英語版).
・OKAMURA・ Miyuki; KIMURA・ Hirokazu; TANAHASHI・ Kenji; KUSAHARA・ Kazuhiro; YOSHIDA・ Nariakira; MARUYAMA・ Yasushi; KOYAMA・ Masataka; SUZUKI・ Yumiko; KINOSHITA・ Hiroyoshi; KUWAYAMA・ Hisashi; YAMASAKI・ Takahito; KAGEYAMA・ Kazuya; IWATA・ Shotaro; SAITO・ Kazuhiko; TAKESHITA・ Shunji; SHIMAZAKI・ Mari; ALFARO・ Francisco; Garay Garcia・ Alexander(2020)Manual Internacional de Estudio de Clase para Formadores de Maestros.EVRI研究プロジェクト叢書・4・2020年6月(スペイン語版).
・吉田 成章 , 草原 和博 , 木下 博義 , 松宮 奈賀子 , 川合 紀宗 , 三好 美織 , 小山 正孝 , 影山 和也 , 棚橋 健治 , 川口 広美 , 金 鍾成 , 山元 隆春 , 間瀬 茂夫 , 永田 良太 , 岩田 昌太郎 , 井戸川 豊 , 丸山 恭司 , 三時 眞貴子 , 森田 愛子 , 桑山 尚司.(2021)「「ポスト・コロナの学校教育」の提起する学術知共創の可能性と課題」『広島大学教育学部共同研究プロジェクト報告書』第19巻. pp. 1-8.
・草原 和博, 松宮 奈賀子, 三好 美織, 小山 正孝, 川口 広美, 金 鍾成, 岩田 昌太郎, 丸山 恭司, 吉田 成章, 桑山 尚司.(2021)「INEI加盟大学と連携した授業研究・平和教育セミナー(2) : 「PELSTE2021」の実施計画」『広島大学教育学部共同研究プロジェクト報告書』第19巻. pp. 25-32.
・小山正孝編著(2014)『中等数学教育』(教師教育講座 第14巻),協同出版(株),pp.1-343.
・Koyama, M. (2010). Mathematics curriculum in Japan. In F. K. S. Leung and Y. Li (Eds.), Reforms and issues in school mathematics in East Asia: Sharing and understanding mathematics education policies and practices, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp.59-78.
・Koyama, M. (2013). Insights from students’ process of understanding mathematics for nurturing reflective learners. In Kaur, B. (Ed.), Nurturing reflective learners in mathematics. Singapore: World Scientific, pp.269-288.
・Wong, K. Y., Koyama, M. and Lee, K-H. (2013). Mathematics curriculum policies: A framework with case studies from Japan, Korea, and Singapore. In Y. Li and G. Lappan (Eds.), Mathematics curriculum in school education, The Netherlands: Springer, pp.79-91.
★Koyama, M. and Lew, H-C. (2017). Pre-service teacher training for secondary school mathematics in Japan and Korea. In Son, Ji-Won, Watanabe, Tad, and Lo, Jane-Jane (Eds.), What matters? Research trends in international comparative studies in mathematics, pp.145-164, The Netherlands: Springer.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Issues of mathematics curriculum in Japan: Changing curriculum policies and developing curriculum frameworks for mathematics. In Catherine P. Vistro-Yu & Tin Lam Toh (Eds.), School mathematics curricula: Asian perspectives and glimpses of reform, pp. 171-187. Singapore: Springer Nature Publishing.
・小山正孝(2021)「数学教育再構成運動」日本数学教育学会編『公益社団法人日本数学教育学会百年史』東洋館出版社. pp. 44-52.
・小山正孝(2021)「第7章 研究としての授業研究の論文化:何のために,何を大切に,どのように?」日本数学教育学会(編)『算数・数学授業研究ハンドブック』東洋館出版社.pp. 246-255.
・Koyama, Masataka. (2021) Problem-solving approach and lesson study for improving performance in mathematics. In David Burghes & Jodie Hunter (eds.) Mathematics education for sustainable economic growth and job creation, Routledge, pp. 37-50.
・影山和也・小山正孝・早田透・石橋一昴.(2021)「第7章 これからの学校教育に求められる数理的思考」草原和博・吉田成章(編著).『「コロナ」から学校教育をリデザインする:公教育としての学校を捉える視点』渓水社. pp. 94-106.
・Okazaki, M. and Koyama, M. (2005). Characteristics of 5th graders’ logical development through learning division with decimals, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 60, 217-251.
・Koyama, M. (2008). Japanese doctoral programs in mathematics education: Academic or professional. In R. Reys and J. A. Dossey (Eds.), U.S. Doctorates in mathematics education: Developing stewards of the discipline. CBMS Issues in Mathematics Education, USA: American Mathematical Society, 15, 195-201.
・Thompson, D. R., Kaur, B., Koyama, M. and Bleiler, S. K. (2013). A longitudinal view of mathematics achievement of primary students: case studies from Japan, Singapore, and the United States, ZDM Mathematics Education, 45(1), 73-89.
★Koyama, M. (2015a). Seeking high quality collaboration and reflection: A lesson study on primary school mathematics, Proceedings of the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, 105-116.
・Koyama, M. (2015b). Current trends and issues on mathematics curriculum revision in Japan, Proceedings of the 2015 Joint Conference of Korean Mathematics Education Societies, 2, 79-102.
★Koyama, M. (2016). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics, Proceedings of the PME 40 Conference, 1, 35-50.
・Kazuya Kageyama & Masataka Koyama. (2018). Individual and collective aspects of students’ mathematical noticing. In Hsieh, F.-J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICME-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, 485-492. Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME. 2018.
・久冨洋一郎・小山正孝(2018)高等学校数学科における単元末にパフォーマンス評価を取り入れた学習指導の実践的研究―生徒と教員によるルーブリックを用いたレポートの質的評価の分析を通して―,全国数学教育学会誌 数学教育学研究,第24巻,第2号,pp.37-49.
・Kazuya Kageyama & Masataka Koyama. (2018). Individual and collective aspects of students’ mathematical noticing. In Hsieh, F.-J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICME-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 1, pp.485-492. Taipei, Taiwan: EARCOME. 2018.
・Go Nakamura and Masataka Koyama. (2018).A cross-tools Pirie-Kieren model for visualizing the process of mathematical understanding. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), (2018). Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.2, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, pp.154-165.
・Ippo Ishibashi, Masataka Koyama and Kazuya Kageyama. (2018).Factors affecting difficulty of conditional probability in the Japanese probability curriculum. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center pp.469-477.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Framework of a dynamic cycle for promoting the professional development of mathematics teachers and educators in the lesson study of school mathematics. Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol.12, pp.33-48.
・Yoshifumi Inoue, Hideaki Kida, Sachie Akieda, Yuki Inoue, Toru Sunahara, Kazuhiro Tominaga, Mitsugu Hashimoto, Masaaki Fujikawa, Masayasu Moriwaki, Akiyoshi Kai, Mami Noda, Masataka Koyama, Tetsu Shimomura, Kazuya Kageyama (2020). Improving mathematics lesson and evaluation through setting inquiry problem-solving activities, The Annals of Educational Research, Vol.47, pp.1-11.
・小山正孝(2021)「社会情動的スキルの育成を重視した割合の学習指導―第五学年「割合」の授業実践の検討―」『学校教育』1244号, pp. 33-43.
・小山正孝(2020)算数科における図形概念の形成とプログラミング的思考の育成―第二学年「三角形と四角形」の授業実践の検討, 学校教育, 1234号, pp. 38-43.
・Koyama, M., (2015). Current trends and issues on mathematics curriculum revision in Japan. Invited Lecture at the 2015 Joint Conference of Korean Mathematics Education Societies. Korea: Konkuk University, Seoul, May 1-2, 2015.
・Koyama, M., (2015). Seeking high quality collaboration and reflection: A Lesson Study on primary school mathematics. Invited Lecture at the 7th ICMI-EARCOME Conference. Philippine: Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, May 11-15, 2015.
・Koyama, M., (2016). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics. Plenary Lecture at the PME 40 Conference. Hungary: Szeged, August 3-7, 2016.
・Koyama, M., (2016). Two-axis process model for teaching and learning of school mathematics. Invited Lecture at the ICME-13 Conference. Germany: Hamburg, July 24-31, 2016.
・小山正孝(2017)教育と研究における学際性の促進:EVRIを事例として, 小山正孝, 第2回研究大学における教育学部長国際フォーラム,招待,英語,北京大学教育学院,中国北京市,2017年10月21日.
・Koyama, M., (2018). Dynamic cycle driven by the dialectic cycle of two complementary reflections in lesson study on school mathematics, International Mathematics Education Colloquium – Asian Chapter,招待,英語,韓国教員大学,韓国,2018年2月6日.
・Masataka Koyama. (2018). Characteristics of organization of the courses of study and guidebooks for mathematics in Japan. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, pp.83-95, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.(招待講演)
・Ippo Ishibashi, Masataka Koyama and Kazuya Kageyama. (2018).Factors affecting difficulty of conditional probability in the Japanese probability curriculum. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.1, pp.469-477, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.
・Go Nakamura and Masataka Koyama. (2018).A cross-tools Pirie-Kieren model for visualizing the process of mathematical understanding. Hsieh, F. -J. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol.2, pp.154-165, Taiwan: Taipei International Convention Center, May 7-11, 2018.
・Masataka Koyama. (2019). Problem solving approach and lesson study for professional development of mathematics teachers and educators in Japan. The Mico International Mathematics Teaching Summit 2019, Jamaica: Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, March 25-27, 2019.(招待講演)
・Masataka Koyama. (2018). Chair of TSG 40 (Research and Development on Mathematics Curriculum) of ICME 14, Shanghai,(2020年7月に上海で開催予定の世界最大規模の第14回数学教育国際会議(ICME 14)の国際プログラム委員会(IPC)による選考の結果)ICMI Japan Representative (数学教育国際委員会(ICMI)日本代表),July 12-19, 2020.
・張歆祺,小山正孝. Comparative study on statistical contents in Chinese and Japanese mathematics textbooks. ICME-14, ICMI, Shanghai, China, July 26, 2021. Online.
・中村剛,小山正孝. Visualizing the collective mathematical understanding process in a small group. PME-44, IGPME, Khonkaen, Thailand, July 20, 2021. Online.
・張歆祺,小山正孝. Multi-area teaching for promoting mathematical competence in school mathematics. PME-44, IGPME, Khonkaen, Thailand, July 22, 2021. Online.
・中林玲奈,植田悦司,結城和夏,小山正孝,影山和也, 算数科におけるメタ認知的思考態度の育成―社会的相互作用を重視した授業づくりを通して―, 日本数学教育学会第54回秋期研究発表会, 広島大学, , 2021年10月30日, オンライン.
・Ugwoke Malachy Chizoba,小山正孝(2021) The Effects of Student's Perception on Teaching and Learning Mathematic. 全国数学教育学会第55回研究発表会, 鳴門教育大学, 2021年12月11日, オンライン.
・Chomunorwira Tafara, 小山正孝.(2021) Project-based learning in the context of mathematics teaching and learning. 全国数学教育学会第55回研究発表会, 鳴門教育大学, 2021年12月11日, オンライン.
・小山正孝(2018)巻頭言.広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要,第一部, 学習開発関連領域,67号.
・OKAMURA・ Miyuki; KIMURA・ Hirokazu; TANAHASHI・ Kenji; KUSAHARA・ Kazuhiro; YOSHIDA・ Nariakira; MARUYAMA・ Yasushi; KOYAMA・ Masataka; SUZUKI・ Yumiko; KINOSHITA・ Hiroyoshi; KUWAYAMA・ Hisashi; YAMASAKI・ Takahito; KAGEYAMA・ Kazuya; IWATA・ Shotaro; SAITO・ Kazuhiko; TAKESHITA・ Shunji; Crimson Ineractive Pvt. Ltd.(2020)Lesson Study Manual for Teacher Educators: International Edition.EVRI研究プロジェクト叢書・3・2020年6月(英語版).
・OKAMURA・ Miyuki; KIMURA・ Hirokazu; TANAHASHI・ Kenji; KUSAHARA・ Kazuhiro; YOSHIDA・ Nariakira; MARUYAMA・ Yasushi; KOYAMA・ Masataka; SUZUKI・ Yumiko; KINOSHITA・ Hiroyoshi; KUWAYAMA・ Hisashi; YAMASAKI・ Takahito; KAGEYAMA・ Kazuya; IWATA・ Shotaro; SAITO・ Kazuhiko; TAKESHITA・ Shunji; SHIMAZAKI・ Mari; ALFARO・ Francisco; Garay Garcia・ Alexander(2020)Manual Internacional de Estudio de Clase para Formadores de Maestros.EVRI研究プロジェクト叢書・4・2020年6月(スペイン語版).
・吉田 成章 , 草原 和博 , 木下 博義 , 松宮 奈賀子 , 川合 紀宗 , 三好 美織 , 小山 正孝 , 影山 和也 , 棚橋 健治 , 川口 広美 , 金 鍾成 , 山元 隆春 , 間瀬 茂夫 , 永田 良太 , 岩田 昌太郎 , 井戸川 豊 , 丸山 恭司 , 三時 眞貴子 , 森田 愛子 , 桑山 尚司.(2021)「「ポスト・コロナの学校教育」の提起する学術知共創の可能性と課題」『広島大学教育学部共同研究プロジェクト報告書』第19巻. pp. 1-8.
・草原 和博, 松宮 奈賀子, 三好 美織, 小山 正孝, 川口 広美, 金 鍾成, 岩田 昌太郎, 丸山 恭司, 吉田 成章, 桑山 尚司.(2021)「INEI加盟大学と連携した授業研究・平和教育セミナー(2) : 「PELSTE2021」の実施計画」『広島大学教育学部共同研究プロジェクト報告書』第19巻. pp. 25-32.
研究テーマ・研究関心Research Concern
mathematical understanding, international comparative study on students’ mathematical attainments, mathematics teachers’ professional development, school mathematics curricula and textbooks, Lesson study of mathematics in primary and secondary schools
mathematical understanding, international comparative study on students’ mathematical attainments, mathematics teachers’ professional development, school mathematics curricula and textbooks, Lesson study of mathematics in primary and secondary schools